
101 Days with You

J and W
Today, like most days, I feel very loved. I want to thank you for everything that you have been, and everything that you are, and everything that you try to [...]

A Humans of New York Love Story – Part 2

I can’t believe it’s been almost a week since my last post on this! It was a crazy week at work, and much as I would like to just continue writing, there [...]

A Humans of New York Love Story – Part 1

Wow! It has been an overwhelming couple of days of reading and responding to emails, comments, and even messages from people we know—such a big big surprise [...]

Activating My Facebook Again

Humans of New York
For months and months, I have been constantly asked to re-activate my Facebook, but I never found a compelling reason to... until this post by Humans of New [...]