
The First & Last Anniversary
It just hit me—today, April 12, 2015, is the first and last day Warren and I will get to celebrate our Anniversary as boyfriend and girlfriend. Next year [...]

Current Mood: On a Love High

Everyday, I do something for our wedding, while helping friends with their weddings too (the season of love is pretty long!)—and I guess that’s what keeps [...]

Pamamanhikan: A Beautiful Pre-Wedding Tradition DUMBO NY
So what usually comes after the marriage proposal? In the Philippines, it is the customary "Pamamanhikan". This is the event when the guy/groom's family [...]

7 Conversations You Must Have Before Getting Married

I have planned, coordinated and assisted so many weddings in the last 7 years of my life. It's one of my  greatest passions. But now as I plan for my own [...]