Author: Janina Paula

Your Time is God’s Time

It's almost the end of January 2016?!? Where did time go???  I remember Warren and I writing down 2016 goals, and on the top of my list is blogging more [...]

Aissa and Andrew: A Fall Wedding

aissaandrew by ryan ortega
As the temperature continues to drop here in NYC, I find myself missing the fall season. :) I used to think fall was sad and gloomy, but it's just the [...]

Merry Christmas from MrandMrsVill!

Wishing you and your loved ones all the joy, love, and blessings this season brings! Let's not forget the true star of this day, Jesus, for without Him, we [...]

Onesie Christmas Party!
I'm such a loser when it comes to costume parties-- but I absolutely loooove pajama parties! So how can I say no when our friend Mares suggested we have a [...]