Pregnancy Diaries: My Third Trimester Comfort

Everything seems to slow down during the third trimester, and right now, I feel as though we’ve been waiting for soooo long for our little pnut! From the 38th week, Warren and I have already been saying “We’re ready for you baby!!!”

I now gained a total of 37lbs. and Pnut’s an estimated 7lbs already. I’ve been walking a little slower, and experiencing discomfort, backaches, and hyperacidity especially at night. Looking back, I listed some of the things that helped me get through my third trimester, which I would like to share with you.


Prenatal Massage

I know this is expensive, but it’s worth every penny. Warren found Simple Skin Spa (just a few blocks away from our apartment) while I was in the middle of my second trimester, and I’ve been going every couple of weeks since. I’d go weekly if I can afford it! They have different kinds of massages, but I can say that they truly specialize in prenatal massage. What I love about them is every session is different, the therapists really talk to you to check on what area or body part is bothering you, and would focus on those instead of just giving a generic massage. I am actually missing my therapists Brigetta and Naomi just writing this!


Stretching, Walking and Prenatal Pilates

Sometime during my Second Trimester, I decided to walk at least 7,000-10,000 steps a day. That’s about 3.5-5 miles per day. With my commute going to and from work, I was only averaging around 3,000 or 1.8 miles per day. So Warren has been accompanying me almost every night after dinner to walk in the park (during summer) or at least around the neighborhood. I have slowed down now, though, averaging 2 miles per day. I hope it’s still good, but I know these last weeks I need to exert more effort once again!

With all the reading and research I’ve been doing, I came across an app on Prenatal Pilates, which I have tried to follow at least three times a week. It’s been hard, especially towards the third trimester, when my belly started to become really big. Still it helped relieve the back pains and has boosted my energy as I continued to work. pilates


All throughout my pregnancy, people would tell me, “Sleep now while you can.” I’ve always wondered how much sleep I’ll have to lose when little Pnut arrives– I love sleep! Warren and I love sleeping in during weekends. But I also know that while our lives will change drastically, every sleepless night, every sacrifice we will make is worth it, once we finally get to hold her and have her with us.

So for the meantime, yes, I sleep. I sleep as much as I can. Especially with my pregnancy pillow, which Warren gave me back in May!

Date Nights with My Warren

Grateful to have a husband who values our quality time, Warren would often schedule date nights for us. Whether it’s as simple as walking around the city and eating Halal Guys on 53rd St. after work,  or eating at Jollibee in Woodside after check-up, he makes sure that we spend time that’s just the two of us. 🙂 We talk about work, the things and changes that scare us, daydream about the future, and even discuss this early on how we will raise little Pnut. This is the best form comfort given to me, knowing that I am not on my own in being responsible for another person’s life. That I have someone who will go through it all with me.

How about you? Can’t wait to hear your tips on how to get through your third trimester!



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